Thursday, 21 June 2012

I wrote this for my prettiest friend ~lalala

This is what I look like today
And I'm trying not to pull out my hair
I'm trying not to show it 'cause I'm far too shy to grow it back there
That's probably why I like wearing hats
There's no denying I'm deferring the facts
Avoiding confrontation
Lacks tact in a situation
Behind every line is a lesson yet to learn

But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overwhelming
And oh, it goes to show
I've so much to know

I wrote this for my prettiest friend
Who while trying not to prove that I care
Trying not to make all my moves in one motion and scare her away
Well she can't see she's making me crazy now
I don't believe she knows she's amazing how
She has me holding my breathe
So I'd never guess that I'm a none such unsuitable, suited for her

But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is complimentery
And oh, it goes to show
The moral of the story is boy loves girl
And so on the way that it unfolds is yet to be told

I know that I should be brave
Even pretty can be seen by the blind
I know that I cannot wait
Until the day we finally learn how to find each other
Redefining open minds

And if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overjoyed
And it's golden, it goes to show then
The ending of this song should be left alone
And so on 'cause the way it unfolds is yet to be told

Monday, 18 June 2012

Farewell: Lawood, Buku n Kad

15 Jun 2012 --> berlaku peristiwa pengisytiharan MERDEKA oleh Yang Berbahagia Mohamad Farhan Bin Mohamad Zukri di Pusat Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia..huahuahua..(jangan persoalkan gelaran gua tu, maksud nama gua -farhan- "yang berbahagia" oke! "yang girang gembira")

yes! gua sudah merdeka dari cengkaman silibus yang ditetapkan oleh kolej-ku nan hado itu yakni tamat sudah sesi Latihan Industri aku (atau lebih sedap disebut orang ramai sebagai PRAKTIKAL)..ingat nak post pasal mula-mula masuk praktikal masa hujung Mac 2012 nun..tapi, kini ku mengerti kenapa sesah untuk senior-senior aku untuk update ape-ape ketika praktikal sebab bila mula praktikal, asyik PIKIR PASAL KERJA JE!!! siyes, gua stress hari-hari pikir kerja..nak on9 pon macam tak berape nak best sangat..lagipun, aku BUAT DOUBLE WORK -klik sini- ..

alhamdulillah, bersyukur gila bangat dapat praktikal kat sini..sini mana? tak bagitau lagi eh? haha..oke-oke, sila tengok sini:

Penerbit USIM,
71800 Nilai,
-alamat diisi oleh si pemalas yang tengah bermalasan di tempat yang malas di depan laptop yang malas, oh, malasnye-

ape tu Penerbit USIM, yong? sepertimana korang suka beli buku-buku keluaran PTS Publication mahupun Telaga Biru ataupun InTeam Publication, yes! itulah kami, pengeluar buku-buku HANYA terbitan USIM..kitorang ni pengeluar buku-buku akademik yang dibuat oleh para pensyarah takpun student-student ataupun staf-staf (staf pun bole buat buku oke! ade daya, buat saje!)..buku-buku ala motivasi @ picisan tidak diterbitkan kami (ni cam bosan sikit)..ulang taip, AKADEMIK, ulang taip lagi, AKADEMIK SAJO~

percaya dengan qada' n qadar, allah tetapkan yang terbaik untuk hambaNya (bakal Imam Muda "saya Imam Muda Paan")..alhamdulillah tempat aku ber-praktikal ni walaweh n bombarstikalalala!!! (mengelabah jap)..environment yang condusive, staf-staf yang boleh main gila, sekepala, sekaki tangan dan segala se-, segalanya boleh kate close to perfect-lah to goodness..betul ke ni? huahuahuahahaha...

meh nak kenalkan dengan staf-staf yang TERBAIK~

dari kiri: Abg Faiz, Abg Nadzir, Kak Ita, Kak Dib (SV), Kak Muna, Pn Hariza, Kak Iza, Kak Ju, Abg Amirul, Abg Saiful

Staf-staf kat atas ni memang da boom! bahahaha..a.k.a. gempak! (puji lebih ni)..bila kerja kat situ rasa macam working in a family..ada masa-masa yang best & harus jugak ada masa-masa yang tak aite? a family is olwez laik peace all the time, sometimes wars happen..

Banyak benda yang aku belajar sepanjang praktikal kat sini ye..dulu tengok buku tu, CUMA BUKU, BELI & BACA..tak pernah ter-pikir segala kronologi alkisah reproduksi penghasilan buku tu (hambik! masuk biologi)..dari mula-mula dapat artikel, nilai, proofread (bacaan pruf), design kaver, camne boleh ade nombor-nombor & kod berjalur-jalur, dan ape semua lah pasal penerbitan buku ni..mula-mula gua BLANK! 3 bulan kat sini dapat sikit-sikit ilmu pasal penerbitan ni..(tak berani kata dapat banyak ilmu, masih lagi ade details yang aku tak tau)

itu saje la kot yang nak dikongsi la kot..buat staf-staf kat sana, terima kasih yang tak terkira, tak terhingga sebab sudi bagi peluang untuk praktikal dekat situ..terima kasih atas tunjuk ajar, halalkan ilmu, makan n minum yang disekup-sekup kat pantry tu, cucur sayur yg Epul slalu beli tu, Pizza Hut kak Muna, KFC Abg Faiz, Dominos Abg Nadzir n Abg Mirul, Nasi Kerabu n Nasi Dagang kak Ju, homemade piza pn Hariza, lauk pauk kak Dib bawak, air milo 'spesel' kak Iza, kg Jijan kak Ita & segala-gala yang dibelanje sepanjang praktikal kat situ (camne nk kurus tu? haha)..terima kasih atas jagaan baik semua staf, be with them is like being in a family..Mintak Maaf kalau ade perangai tak berapa nak senonoh yang terpapar tak sengaja, ter-kuang aja, ter-pukul, ter-carut, ter-umpat, ter-sentap, ter-cantas kata-kata orang-orang tua & segala macam ter-..Maaf juge kalau hasil kerja situ kurang memuaskan, respon yang tak berapa nak baik dari saye & segala macam kesalahan yang saya tak perasan..'ASIF JIDDAN~ :(

[FAKTA YANG BUKAN AUTA] Mohd Farhan tak pernah ada pengalaman bekerja (part-time cuti SPM pun xpenah), praktikal ni lah 1st time dia masuk dunia career...

ps: (mood imam muda) semoga ukhuwah terjalin terus kekal..uhibbukum fillah, ukhuwah fillah abadan abada~

pps: kenapa tajuk "Lawood, Buku & Kad"? masa hari last kami pi makan kat restoran Nasi Kandar Lawood..diorang kate agak femes gak tempat makan ni selain Kg, aku rase Kg Jijan TERBAEK~

ppps: alhamdulillah~ terase bangge bile ade yang cakap aku student praktikal terbaik dr semua student yg pernah praktikal kat situ..i.allah akan datang ade lg baik =)

ni haa kad nyer, kad farewell ku~

buku-buku yang aku pick, dipilih untuk masa depan..gua nak fokus linguistics~

Part-Time: 2 in 1 = lettihhh~

saje nak letak post la tempat part-time ku~ sambil-sambil praktikal..lettihhh~ buat duble job dalam sehari..8am - 5pm = praktikal ; 6pm - 10pm = part la keje yang agak gile aku buat..jarak tempat praktikal dari rumah 30-40 minit..non-stop woo..8 pagi keluar rumah --> 11 malam baru balik, untuk 3 BULAN!!!

ni semua untuk backup sara diri..hari-hari pegi praktikal naik kete, 40 minit, paham-paham la minyak camne kan, belum kira maintenance lagi..usim bagi sehari rm...err..xnak citer..senang citer, elaun sebulan cukup-cukup buat duit minyak..duit tol, duit makan/belanja, maintenance nak cekau mana..terpakse la buat double job..lettih~ tapi boleh laaa..dah habis praktikal sambung terus fulltime kat sini..on my way carik peluang kerja yang lagi better..doakan ye~ amin =)

kelebihan keje sini: bole bace buku free2..dah brape novel habis entah..haha ;P

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Epic Quotes from Epic Mangas

Jumpa 'kata-kata hikmah' ni masa browsing forum on9 tadi, komik ni ade jugak pekdahnye, galakkan adik-adik or anak-anak anda baca komik :D

"Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!" - by: Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)

"I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain. Those who don't know pain can never know true peace." - by: - Nagato (Naruto)

"I suppose it is only to be expected. You have my pity. There is no such thing as 'truth' or 'lies' in this world; there never has been. There is only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world take only those 'facts' that are convenient to them, and take them to be the 'truth'. They do so because they know no other way to live. However, for those powerless beings that make up the majority of this world it is those 'facts' that are inconvenient for their own self-affirmation that make up the real 'truth'." - by: Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)

"When does a man die? When he is hit by a bullet? No. When he suffers a disease? No. When he eats a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No! A man dies when he is forgotten!" - by: Dr. Hiluluk(One Piece)

"This is a battle. Of course it isn't fair! Fighting, after all, is a monster born from unfairness and intolerance. I can't stand that guy. I can beat that guy. I won't forgive that guy. Enemies are made for all sorts of reasons. From the moment one makes an enemy, until one breathes their final breath, they are in battle." - by: Nnoitra Gilga (Bleach)

"Admiration is a feeling furthest away from understanding." - by:Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)

"It's quite difficult to control one's strength while stepping on an ant without killing it." - by: Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)

"The difference between one speck of dust and two isn't something you can see with your eyes." - by: Aizen Sousuke (Bleach)

"There is nothing in this world that is truly "perfect". Though it may be a rather large cliché, it is still the truth. It is the ordinary people who look up to "perfection" as an ideal and seek after it. But in truth, what is this idea of "perfection" truly worth? Nothing. Not a single thing. I detest "perfection". To be "perfect" is to be unable to improve any further. There would be no scope for "creation", not a single gap in one's knowledge or one's ability. Do you see now? To true scientists like you and I, "Perfection" is tantamount to "despair". We aspire to reach greater levels of brilliance than ever before, but never, NEVER, to reach perfection. That is the paradox through which we scientists must struggle. Indeed, it is our duty to find pleasure in that struggle. In other words, the second you allowed yourself to spout a ridiculous word like "perfect", in truth, you had already been defeated. That is if you wish to be treated as a scientist." by: Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Bleach)

"Weaklings cant pick their way of death." - by: Trafalgar Law (One Piece)

"A time of separation will always come. When men part ways, tears should not be involved in it." - by: Usopp (One Piece)

"To "True Friendship"... How long you've known each other, means nothing." - by: Bon Clay (One Piece)

"Trusting in someone is the same as depending on them, that is something the weak do we have no use for it ... Never once have I told my subordinates to trust me. I have told them to come with me but I never said anything like "trust me and come with me". I have always told them to never trust anyone, myself included but sadly, there are not many who are strong enough to follow through to the end. All living creatures place their faith in someone more powerfull than them and they cannot survive unless they blindly follow that person. The recipient of that faith then seeks out someone in an even higher position in order to escape from the pressure, that person then seeks out someone even more powerfull that he must put his faith in. In this way all kings are born and in this way ... All Gods are born. Do not believe in me yet Hirako Shinji. For now I shall slowly teach you who the god is that you will put your faith in. Believing in me comes after that." - by: Aizen Sousoke (Bleach)

"So what is justice!? Forgiving the person who killed the person you love!? That is truly virtuous! It's beatiful! So much so that I can't bear to look upon it!!! But does being virtuous imply justice!? NO!!! Living on in life of peaceful harmony without avenging your fallen friend IS WICKEDNESS!!!" - by: Tousen Kaname (Bleach)

"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." - by:Uchiha Obito (Naruto)

"You don’t know what kind of human you are until the very end. One realizes their true nature at the moment of their death. That’s the way to view death." - by: Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)

"War brings death, injury and pain to both sides. There's nothing harder to accept than the deaths of those you love so you believe they could never die especially those who haven't known war like your generation. You try to find meaning in death but there's only pain and hatred that you don't know what to do with. Dying like trash, neverending hatred and pain that never heals. That is war." - by: Nagato (Naruto)

ps: komik bukan hanya untuk kanak2, orang dah umo 50 pun boleh layan lagi tau..~ peace n assalamualaikum =)

Monday, 11 June 2012

sebuah tribute: Muzakkir Nur Syafiq Mesni

sebagai permulaan entri, marilah kita sedekahkan ALFATIHAH kepada ahli keluarga, kerabat saudara, sahabat handai, saudara sesama islam yang telah pun meninggalkan kita & semoga mereka berada dalam kalangan orang yang beriman, insyaAllah..

bacalah dengan sebutan makhraj yang betul~

ni merupakan entri tribut untuk arwah Muzakkir Nur Syafiq Mesni (akir), seseorang yang janggal bagi aku..arwah meninggal disebabkan Denggi pada 11/06/10 (genap 2 tahun)..kisah lanjut mengenai pemergian arwah boleh bace di blog Anas.

kenapa aku sebut janggal? aku tak suka dia ke? yup, aku PERNAH tak suka dengan arwah..biasa la, pertama kali jumpe mana sempat nak kenal hati budi seseorang tu..masa mula-mula jumpa arwah melalui classmate, Anasyg..akir ni mulut boleh tahan bising, laju je cakap itu ini..masa tu pulak aku ni jenis yang kureng dengan orang-orang camni..mungkin tu tak suka dengan arwah..dipendekkan siket cerita, aku masuk koko Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia (arwah pun masuk persatuan yang sama)..dekat BSMM ni la aku kenal arwah dengan lebih..sebenarnye, tak ramai suka sangat dengan arwah..bukan arwah yang jahat, yang lain-lain ni kuat mengata..tapi, macam aku cakap tadi, mase dalam persatuan ni masing2 kenal lebih rapat..yang dulu duk mengata arwah, jadi sayang kat arwah, ni la kelebihan & kekuatan yang ada pada arwah..

aku yang awal-awal tak suka akir, dah lama lepas tu bila nampak akir je asyik nak lepak je dengan arwah..mulut arwah yang aku kata bising masa awal-awal tu sebenarnye kelebihan dia jugak..haha..seronok bila dengar arwah cakap, lawak tapi still beringat, lagi-lagi bab agama..oh, lupa nak mention..arwah ni pelajar Diploma Pengajian alQuran Assunnah (hebat kan?)..arwah ni pun terer bab agama gak..hebat kuasa 3..

Disebabkan arwah jugak aku kekal jadi pegawai persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (peringkat pelajar), lepas dah habis dalam PBSM sebagai pelatih, kitorang di promot jadik Pegawai persatuan (Hi-Officer)..kitorang ni sebenarnye kena PAKSA-rela masuk jadi pegawai (kena tarik, orang petik nama)..aku reject giler-giler taknak jadik pegawai..aku join koko untuk lulus je..lepas tu SUDAH..TAKNAK join lagi..time tengah reject tu, arwah akir bagi sepatah dua kata kat aku..aku diam & ikut, janji akir pun mesti ada sekali sepanjang jadi pegawai ni aku akan terus sambung jadi pegawai..

tapi, kejap je..lepas kem kepimpinan tu la akir mula sakit..lepas akir meninggal tu aku dah nak berhenti balik sebab bila takde akir, persatuan jadi kurang best..ramai jugak pegawai yang kurang semangat lepas akir meninggal..bila nak berhenti tu, teringat balik, akir semangat betul mase jadik pegawai..jadi macam rugi kalau kitorang berhenti semata-mata tu..lagipun kitorang pernah pergi khidmat komuniti kat rumah anak yatim bawah kelolaan BSMM jugak..akir janji nak datang balik nak mengajar anak-anak yatim tu, aku pun nak join sekali misi tu..huhu..tapi tak kesampaian..sebab ni jugak aku semangat nak sambung jadi pegawai lagi, insyaallah aku akan datang situ balik untuk tolong anak-anak yatim kat situ (doakan ye)

arwah akir seorang yang sangat COMEL (ini obvious), peramah gile, penyayang jugak, kalau berkawan dengan dia, tak pernah nak rasa susah hati sebab arwah jenis ceria-ceria astro ceria..sampai la arwah kat atas katil hospital pun arwah tak bagi orang susah hati dengan sakit yang arwah tanggung..masa hari dapat tau akir meninggal tu aku tak berapa sedih sangat (mungkin sebab ingat tu mesej prank) sebab kali terakhir nampak akir, arwah sihat wal afiat..arwah terlantar sakit tu pun kitorang tak tau (mungkin jugak arwah tak nak bagi kawan-kawan gelisah hati)..sekarang, dah 2 tahun pun..bagi aku, mengenali arwah merupakan satu nikmat yang Allah kurniakan kat aku & siapa-siapa kawan akir pun..

Akir, kau kesayangan kami..semoga rohmu dicucuri rahmat & ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman & beramal soleh..insyallah~ amin..

sebagai imam yang mengetuai, bagi tazkirah maghrib :')

see, how just by his talk, he made everyone happy =)

rindu kau akir :')

tu handbag akir..hehe =D
kiut ;D

kenangan kat rumah anak yatim ;')

Daisypath Anniversary tickers