okeyh, today is 16th Mei and it is TEACHER'S DAY!!! ~woot!!! During my school years, the Teacher's Day Celebration was the most grand, superb celebration of all..ya lorh, why not?! school is mostly about teachers..when it comes to their celebration, the event should be grand-ier than ever..
I would like to take this opportunity (urgh, you are not being nominated for something ~d'ouh) to wish a Happy Teacher's Day to teachers around the world especially to those who had taught me in my school years and my college years..
A Very Special Wish of a Happy Teacher's Day to these people:
1. Teacher Asyiqin (my ibu angkat ~ like a mentor programme) in SRI ABIM Seremban
2. Puan Irma Yanti (my homeroom teacher in SMADKLANA (lower form)
3. Teacher Shazlina (t.cha Leen) for being a superb, mabeles homeroom teacher (more like a sister) in SMASKP
4. Miss Maryam (cheerful, joyful, full of youth, superb mentor & a lecturer) in KUIS
I wish i could give you all something on this Teacher's Day. but, apparently, i dont have the time & the penny to do so..huhuhu..i'll think of something, somehow, someday~ hurm...
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