Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Freedom!!!!! hits from Maher Zain ~ Freedom .. LOVE IT!!!!
| Lyrics |
Artist: Maher Zain
Song: Freedom
Gathered here with my family
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
…My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
It doesn’t matter where you’re from
Or if you’re young, old, women or man
We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we’ve taking our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there
Oh God thank you
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we’re here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out load demanding their right for freedom
This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out load demanding their right for freedom
This is it and we’re not backing of
Oh God we know you hear our call
And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, calling for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
We know you can hear our call ooh
We’re calling for freedom, calling for freedom
We know you won’t let us fall oh
We know you’re here with us
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Spontaneous Thursday #1
"Adoiyai!! Sakit giler mulut!!!"
Beza Wordless Wednesday & Spontaneous Thursday:
1. huruf yang kompem beza
2. Wordless Wednesday = Gambar; no descpription
3. Spontaneous Thursday = Perkataan; no descrption jugak!! ;D
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
1st Time Ever!!!!
Salam dah lame tak hapdate sebab kekeringan idea..bila dah datang idea internet xde plak..haih (= -=)" .. untuk entri yang ni pun mungkin takde ape sangat pun..
Hari isnin yang baru ni (20 Jun '11), aku, Azri & Syafik dipanggil untuk standby. Kitorang di minta untuk standby kat satu kilang (Myagri) kat area Nilai 3 yang tengah hosting program yang dihadiri delegasi-delegasi dari Afrika. Diorang ni sebahagian dari delegasi penuh dari Afrika yang datang ke Malaysia untuk LID atau full-nye, Langkawi International Dialogue .. ape tu?? haih?! tak tengok berita ke? aku yang duk hostel ni pun tau ler sikit2 pasal ni .. Diorang datang untuk overview perkembangan Malaysia dr pelbagai sudut..secara teknologinya, ekonominya, agrikulturnya, dan memacam lagi larh..
Kitorang bertiga yang standby nih di-lead oleh 2 paramedik (en Rahman & en Putera) dari Ibu Pejabat Bulan Sabit Merah KL tak banyak sangat pun kerja..diorang ber-2 kate, kerja bahagian ambulan jadik bizi bila berlaku kecelakaan mase program..kitorang berharap sangat takkan ada ape-ape..mana taknya, baru 1st time kot kitorang jadik standby unit..kalau ikutkan ade je standby unit yang dah berpengalaman kat kuis tu..pulak dah masa program tu ade masa yang mana delegasi2 ni pegi melawat lab (makmal) kat situ, kalau dah citer pasal lab mmg sah-sah la cuak..ape2 pon boleh jadik..huhu..Alhamdulillah, takde ape2 yang jadik sepanjang program (maksudnye, takde keje-lah..muahaha)
Mula dalam 2.30 petang dan habis dalam 6.00 petang..wuhuhu..pengalaman paling best dalam 1 hari tu ialah pengalaman naik ambulans .. siyes, macam roller coaster bila duduk kat bahagian belakang tu .. en Putera plak bawak speed nye tak menahan..huhu.. memang syok habis-lah, insyaAllah bulan 9 ni diorang akan panggil lagi untuk standby untuk program akan datang..mintak2 dapat join lagi...muahaha..

Paramedik a.k.a driver = En Putera |
Monday, 13 June 2011
Dah boleh kahwin lah kan??
Alhamdulillah....dah selesai pun kursus kahwin semalam...pastu, jadik kebiasaan mereka-mereka yang dah selesai kursus kahwin untuk post pasal tu kat fb masing-masing...huhu..yang lain-lain pulak dah mula mengusik
err...lek dulu, blaja pon tak habis lg sebuk kawen plak..huahua..keseluruhannye, kursus tu blast da boom!! (*walaupun ade je yang bosan sampai tertido masing-masing)..haih =.="
"dah boleh kahwin lah kan?"
"cepat carik calon - kahwin!!"
err...lek dulu, blaja pon tak habis lg sebuk kawen plak..huahua..keseluruhannye, kursus tu blast da boom!! (*walaupun ade je yang bosan sampai tertido masing-masing)..haih =.="
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
good-die, effing smokers!!
Assalamualaikum..its mowrninggg!!!! (as in too early morning & very late night) .. NO SMOKING!! urghh .. i'm getting bored with this notice as my new room-mates this semester apparently smokers..grr..frankly typing, i am afraid to ask them to go outside each time they wanted to smoke, because:
1. They smoke, they will gonna respond like "bape kali kalau mcm tu?"..grr
2. They are kinda superior in the room as in they are the peepz who check in 1st & they are the old student (as in too old)
too old?? (not by age but by course i using the rite term?? *naah...ignore) i labelled them old bcoz they had done their diploma in kuis before this & now they're continuing their degree, here, at the same IPTS..M afraid that if i *tegur* them, they will go *kerek* bcoz they felt like they are more, i just stay quiet & each time they started to smoke, i'll keep my cloth-things inside the locker (dun want the cigar smell to stick to my things, annoying)
Pabila ku ~code-switching~
Assalamualaikum...evening U OLLS!!! okeh, kali ni aku mau gebangkan pasal "CODE SWITCHING" .. code switching?? ape tu? saling bertukar kod rahsia ke?? .. okeh okeh .. sebelum masing-masing ke-mereng-an main teka-teka ni, meh aku bagi mukaddimah jap pasal Code-Switching ni..
so, lepas ni tak perlu lah macam ni:
Disebabkan aku ni salah sorang Linguistic student (cewaah!!) yang meng-study Linguistics, code-switching ni agak satu kebiasaan bg kitorang..
code-switching: the concurrent use of more than one language, or language variety, in conversation. Multilinguals - people who speak more than one language - sometimes use elements of multiple languages in conversing with each other. Thus, code-switching is the use of more than one linguistic variety in a manner consistent with the syntax and phonology of each variety.
Kenapa garu kepala?? (ngeh3) .. okeh2, bahasa mudahnye, code-switching ni ialah bila seseorang tu gunakan 2 bahasa dalam perbualan/penulisan dia..kejap BI, lepas tu tukar BM balik, pastu tetiba BI balik..Macam pernah nampak je kan?? hehe..kalau korang perasan, entri aku terkadang BM, terkadang BI, terkadang BM-BI..yang BM-BI tu orang bahasa panggil code-switching..
so, lepas ni tak perlu lah macam ni:
"eii, kejap BM, kejap BI, kejap campur..gedik nya"
tak pun
"eii, kejap BM, kejap BI, kejap campur..dasar perosak bahasa & bangsa!!"
code-switching ni berlaku kat mana-mana je kat dunia ni, so, kalau korang tu jenis sedar diri sendiri, korang akan perasan gak yang korang pun selalu gak meng-code-switching ni..takyah nak keypohchi laa!!!
Tadaa!! sekarang korang dah dapat sikit ilmu pasal linguistics!! senang kan??
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